Twenty Years in Derby Then and Now

before and after of Pat and Jim With the celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary this month, I decided to show readers an enlarged view of the photo of my wife and I Down Back on the Sebec River in Derby, Maine. The before (20 years ago) and after (very recent) with the river in the background uses a little digital photo edit trickery to show the same background in both views.

As mentioned at least once on this blog, some of my graphics are illustrations with photo edits for special effects, and some are actually several or more photographs combined to get just the right effect. Perhaps I should have a contest for finding the illustration that combines the most separate pieces of photographs. The photo of the raft wars took 3: the river, war paint, and me.

Maybe the first winning entry to arrive by email, if more than one correctly guess, could get $100 in credit towards custom artwork from my commercial site, or 2-3 of the Ten Decades of Stories CDs featuring audio stories by Larry Hall as announced in a previous post. Comment or email me with your ideas, and maybe I’ll make a formal announcement. Each post has an illustration, so there’s less than 100 to find the winning one.

Jim's handwritten signature


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