Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

This video is a snapshot that shows how I’ve changed over 6 decades with 48 still photographs entitled “60 Years in About 60 Seconds”.

As 1 of 8 siblings all living until May 2010, documenting these in video was prompted by the death of my brother Eric, the youngest of 5 boys, at 59.

Viewing changes over 60 years I realize an alternate title could have been “Hair Today Gone Tomorrow”.

Each still photograph displays for just over 1 second, so the slide show flies by rather quickly (just like those 60 years). You may use the pause button for a closer look, or email me if curious or any questions.

Places shown without any people in three photographs are each nostalgic places from Growin’ Up in Maine, and include Down Back on the Sebec River, our family home in Derby, and Jo Mary Lake with the reflection of Mt Katahdin in Central Maine.

All persons in all photos are relatives except for 1) ex-wife in family portrait (with novelty glasses/nose/moustache), 2) childhood best friend Mark Clark (1st photo after wedding photo), and 3) friend and coworker Monty Ashley of S Carolina (doing handshake pitching horseshoes).

Did you notice the disappearing hairline prompting the title Hair Today Gone Tomorrow? That trait goes back several generations, and at least one other brother was like me. We started going grey in our 20’s.

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Posted in derby, maine, stories, video
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