Blog Archives

Bathroom Confusion in 1968

 In Switzerland and enroute to military duty in Africa I encountered some serious bathroom confusion in 1968. Being from a very small town Growin’ Up in Maine in the 1960’s I wasn’t prepared for European culture shock. Needing a break

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Good Times Down at Papa Joe’s in 1963

Digging deep into the past of life in a small town in Central Maine brings back memories of good times down at Papa Joe’s in 1963. Papa Joe’s Pizza on Main Street in Milo, Maine, was a favorite lunchtime spot

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Posted in audio, maine, music, stories, video

Double Duty on Memorial Day

When playing trumpet as a member of the Milo High School band back in the 1960’s, the senior band was once invited to New Hampshire to play at a football game half time for a school that couldn’t afford one.

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Posted in maine, music, stories