Contact Form

jim degerstrom portrait Submit the contact form for Growin’ Up in Maine inquiries or view contact details to communicate by mail, email, phone, or text.

Contact: Jim Degerstrom
Address: 2534 Wyatt Place, Kissimmee FL 34741 USA
Phone or Text: 407-201-9698

Submit Your Story or Inquiry

Comments or questions are welcome.

You may attach as many as 3 files up to 1Mb each (or smaller) to send photos or submit your Growin' Up in Maine story.

Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 1mb.
Please enter the CAPTCHA code in the box below.
Press Submit. You then arrive on our home page.

Stories submitted are subject to review and approval prior to publication.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Expect a reply within 24 hours.

Fast Contact Information
Call or Text 407-201-9698

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